This was fantastic :) very sweet, nice style, good story and very well animated. I loved it <3
This was fantastic :) very sweet, nice style, good story and very well animated. I loved it <3
That was shit.
It wasn't funny, and the drawing and writing and voice acting was awful. The animation and movement was alright, granted. Apply your talents to something decent next time.
Very cute and fun :) Lovely scribbly animation
GENIUS! The voice is so expressive!
Absolutely fucking hilarious!
Good, but...
It was a nice concept. I can see something like this being really beautiful. You just have to spend a little more time on the artwork. Go for a painterly style, and use some more subtle colours.
Thank you for your helpful feedback.
I'm thinking of making another animation, similar to this one, but using a lot of the concepts that you just mentioned.
This animation is very old, and it will be nice to see how I have evolved.
Awww, how lovely. A very simple but happy and touching story. Heartbeats fit beautifully within this animation, and it was quite flowing with the paper and scribbled characters.
Thanks for this!
Incredible! I loved it, absolutely gorgeous! The story was great, of a small and timid creature who didn't want to be bad, but was expected to be... The animation style was very interesting, and the game's main character was actually pretty damn cool, the shark-arm was epic :) I like how you portrayed him as a mindless killer bent only on his mission, much like how video games are played.
I want that little creature :)
I'm not....... ?
Myyyy God. Why do I have to keep watching this? I think those swaying boobs keep me entranced. The song is just...... so.... retarded....... words....... can't ...... describe. Just..... why??? And yet, this is the third time I've watched it today...
It's actually a good charicature of Old Nick Cage, good job mate. Animation is amazing as usual. And yes, I'm giving this a 10.
Okay, brilliant series...
But PLEASE tell me how she managed to wrestle a handgun off a full grown male marine, fully trained in close combat? Let alone THREE full grown males...
And then there was the reason WHY she shot them. Sure they might have been trying to rape her... but still! The fucking human race is mostly gone! She killed three men who could have protected and helped her, just coz she couldn't stand a bit of sex?
Oh well. Other than that, this was amazing. Freaked the hell outta me. Good job man. And the art, my god the ART. STUNNING!!!!!!!!!!
Joined on 3/12/07