Beautiful but flawed.
This game tortures me. It is a truly BEAUTIFUL concept, but the execution just leaves so much to be desired.
The story is great. Introspective, intruiging, well written. The atmosphere is great, the worlds you have built are uniquely disparate, pockets of familiarity tied together in a trail of memories, much like how dreams themselves are structured.
The only killer is the gameplay. It's just dreary.
The flight mechanics give no feeling of freedom. Flight that only lets you flap three times and glide? What little freedom they do give you ends up being a curse when you bring in the claustrophobic challenge sections. All it is is basically a triple jump with some lowered gravity. If you wanted to achieve true freedom through gameplay to match your premise I would have gone for a secondary 'flight' system on top of the 'triple jump' style.
The 'true' flight system would be ineffective if you tried to use it during some of the more delicate platforming sections, but would help immeasurably to open up the world and really hit home your concept of 'freedom from memories'. You could control it simply, up to flap your wings, down to dive, left and right to move respectively. All you would have to integrate would be a guide system to the next cluster of memories in the form of a trail or an arrow.
In reference to the art style, I would have gone for less bright, retro colours. I know that retro was your intention, but a greyer pallete would have helped bring out the atmosphere and mood a little more.
I loved your game 'Where We Remain'. It was poetic, beautiful, intruiging and full of secrets. This is in the same boat. It really ties in with your name and what you stand for. But it brings the flaws with it too.
Not every game has to innovate, but every game must be entertaining. It must constantly introduce new elements to keep the game flowing and keep it from becoming dreary. Combat does not work in this case, but if you introduced more challenges to your flight mechanic or introduced sporadic 'nightmare' points where the dream-scape shifts and distorts (a concept hinted at with your current model)
Again, beautiful, but flawed. Hope my criticism helped :)